Working cooperatively to empower the country with access to state-of-the art equipment and expertise in this domain
Upgrading the installed capacity of Pt-NeuraNet, towards the rapid adoption and the development of new methodologies.
Ensuring high-level transfer of expertise through comprehensive training
modules using the nodes’ complementary know-how, and association to
international training programs such as:
- Cajal Training Program
Networking within Pt-NeuraNet and internationally to build capacities for scientific collaboration and foster consolidation and expansion of partnerships. Thematic workshops will lead to exchange of ideas and collaborative initiatives.
Harmonizing experimental protocols and data analysis tools, towards alignment and association with the ESFRI digital RI EBRAINS, international best-practices, open science and FAIR data.
Democratizing access to Pt-NeuraNet methodologies; access will be open to the entire scientific community (academic and otherwise); interaction with users will be done through a dedicated web-based public portal
- Collaborating with other RIs in the RNIE, such as PPBI, BIN, ViraVector
and CONGENTO, with high interest to the Neuroscience community, and promoting the development of methodologies based on their combined expertise. - Collaborating with PtCAC in the RNIE in the development of
methodologies and experimental strategies for translational and clinical research, with focus on Neurology and Psychiatry.
Strengthening partnerships with the industrial sector (BIAL, Physat Biopharmaceuticals, Sea4Us, Takeda, BNML and others) and establishing new ones, by providing specialized services.
Funding Pt-NeuraNet, through partnerships with industry, ESFRI activities, application to national and international funding agencies
(supported by institutional grant offices and PERIN).