
Pt-NeuraNet is a distributed research infrastructure providing shared access to cutting-edge methodologies and services, technical/ scientific expertise and training in the area of Neurophysiology and Neural Dynamics.


In vitro/ex vivo

Provides expertise to study synaptic transmission, plasticity and network activity, and the physiology and pharmacology of ion channels and receptors, using modern electrophysiology techniques combined with optogenetics, fluorimetry, uncaging and electrochemistry.

In vivo

Allows performing live acquisition and manipulation of signals, including electrophysiological recordings, imaging (fiber photometry, miniscopes, 2-photon, micro-ultrasound) and opto- and chemogenetics in anesthetized or freely behaving animals.

In silico

includes 2 pillars of computational neuroscience: a) signal processing and machine learning methods for visualizing and analyzing neurophysiology data; b) simulation and analysis of computational models of neuronal dynamics; aligns with EBRAINS.

A unique infrastructure

Pt-NeuraNet constitutes a unique nation-wide research infrastructure, adding high value for the Portuguese scientific community through scientific and technical cooperation, services and training, towards understanding brain function and disease.

Key features

Powerful network

Features over 43 research groups with complementary know-how distributed over 9 Portuguese Institutions

Cutting edge tools

Powerful, cutting-edge tools are made available to investigate neuronal function and its relation to behavior and psychiatric or neurodegenerative diseases.

International scope

Pt-NeuraNet participates in international networks and renowned traning programs such as EMBO, FENS/IBRO, NENS and Cajal.